Senaa Ahmad | Fiction | contact (at) senaa - ahmad (dot) com

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F I C T I O N    &    F O R T H C O M I N G       



Senaa Ahmad’s short fiction appears in McSweeney’s, The Paris Review, Best American Science Fiction and Fantasy, Best Canadian Stories, and The Gollancz Book of South Asian Science Fiction Vol. 2. In 2018, she attended the six-week Clarion Writers Workshop as the Octavia Butler Scholar. She’s received the generous support of the Canada Council for the Arts, the Ontario Arts Council, the Toronto Arts Council, and the Speculative Literature Foundation. Her work was the recipient of a Pushcart Prize and the Sunburst Award, and was a finalist for the National Magazine Award for Fiction. She’s working on a short story collection and is represented by Alexa Stark at Writers House.